Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So I am not real big on the blogging thing. I like to read them but I just don't think anyone would be interested in reading anything I have to say. We shall see I guess.

I am almost done with my pregnancy I am waiting for her to decide it is time. I was putting off getting ready due to being overwhelmed and a little frightened. But because sleep is foreign I decided to clean...

here is her little baskets of goodies she will need.

here is her bed she will start out in. My grandfather and father made the cradle by hand for my first girl.

this is the outfit I hope she will come home in. Thank you Nessa and Zach!
(sorry this picture isn't so good I hope you can see the trombone on the onsie)

So there you go! I also washed the carseat and the whole house. She isn't here yet! About 22 more days!

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