Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Health Insurance

What a heated topic for me! GRRRRR It is so infuriating. The insurance I use for my children decides to change their insurance every two years are so forcing me to switch doctors offices and have to redo everything all over again.  Why? What good does it do? So I can get to know every single pediatrician in the whole state? I am getting pretty close.  I was just telling my beloved husband the other day how much I adore doctors office we currently go to. And how sad I would be if I had to change and then the insurance company gave me the finger. I do not appreciate them giving me the finger....OK they didn't really give me the finger but you get the idea.  What do I do? All because I have low income medical insurance for the kids we get tossed around gee thanks it's not my kids fault.  I don't know what to do I am mad as a wet hen and no one to complain to! So you have to hear it.  Sorry.  
Well I tried to find a picture of a wet hen to show you how mad I am but I didn't want to steal someone elses picture so I drew one but my scanner refuses to scan! and then I tried to draw one online to post here but I can't so now I am even madder than a wet hen and you get no picture!!!!
P.S. The red ink is to show how mad I am! ;)

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